In this episode, I dive into the transformative journey from simply wanting something to actively pursuing it. I reflect on my own pivotal moments and the internal decisions that have shaped my path. It's not enough to just want something; our actions must align with our desires. I've observed a common trap: people are stuck in a cycle of desire without action, leading to a feeling of stagnation. I emphasize the difference between mere decisions and pivotal actions. It's about moving from "I want to" to "I am going to." I've noticed that once we express a desire, we start seeing it everywhere, whether it's cars, shoes, or opportunities. This is the universe testing our commitment. But a word of caution: time lost and missed opportunities can be painful. The world offers endless opportunities, but it's on us to act. In this episode, I challenge you to turn your desires into decisions and truly embrace the opportunities the universe presents.

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