When people are being inauthentic, they often try to copy actions, clothes, or even a person’s whole personality. My guest today, Andrea Lowell, dives deep into modeling after an influence of someone, versus copying someone to show up as.

#RickJordan #Podcast #Costume

We Meet: Andrea Lowell, Self Mastery Coach

Episode References: 

2 Minute Drill

I’m Not Your Guru

Gene Hackman


Connect with Rick: https://linktr.ee/mrrickjordan

Connect with Andrea Lowell: https://andrealowell.com/

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About Andrea:

Andrea Lowell is a Self Mastery Coach from Long Beach , CA. After spending half of her life in the entertainment industry, she discovered it's not "being on TV," having a house on the beach, or a cool car in the driveway that equates to success. In fact, she was miserable when she "had it all." She used her own despair and hopelessness as the fertile ground for radical self improvement and personal growth. After an instant awakening in 2012, she put herself to work; inner work. And also by incorporating decades of research into Quantum Mechanics, Ancient Wisdom, and Self Healing! She discovered that by uncovering her core essence through radical self awareness, and coupling that with harnessing Universal and Natural Law, she not only became a manifesting master, but also Self Mastered! She put this blueprint-for-bliss into a course at the suggestion of a client. She has now guided countless women, from any and all stages of their current personal development, personal pain, stagnation, or frustration, into Self Mastered queens! Her formula is proven and simple. She has discovered that by integrating her knowledge into a daily lifestyle, she has uncovered the keys to living drama free, guilt free, shame free, and full of Self Worth, Self Love, joy, purpose, and ABUNDANCE! Andrea Lowell is happily married to her partner of 20 years, James. They love to spend as much time in Nature as possible, opting to overland and backpack for their vacations. They have found that the less they desire, the more they have and the more they receive. Inner peace and Bliss are what Andrea has found to be the result of her lifestyle and outlook on life.