About Episode: 

Luke DePron shares his expertise on coaching busy, non-stop entrepreneurs how to lose weight and maintain balance. Learn how he discovered entrepreneurs treat fitness like a launch of a product, instead of a business plan, and how he coaches his clients to have a mindset change. 

We Meet: Luke DePron, Health & Performance Coach Live Great Lifestyle

Episode References: 

Pleurisy - https://tinyurl.com/bk6s7h4e

The Extraordinary Science of addictive junk food - https://tinyurl.com/f6h2snnh

non exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12468415/


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Connect with Guest: https://livegreatlifestyle.com/

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About Guest: Luke DePron is a sought-after online weight loss coach for busy entrepreneurs and businessmen, as well as the host of a high-performance podcast, and Founder of Live Great Lifestyle. Using his extensive training in Exercise Science Kinesiology combined with strategies learned from a network of elite performers (including Navy Seals, World Champion fighters, NYT Best Selling Authors, and more) he’s helped transform the lives of everyday men to Olympic-level athletes.

Today, he helps high-achieving entrepreneurs lose 25+ pounds of body-fat through the Lean Body Method™ so their physiques, energy, and confidence match the success they have in business and life.