Today, I had an incredible conversation with Dr. Matt Chalmers, a holistic health expert and author of "Pillars of Wellness." Dr. Chalmers isn’t your typical chiropractor—his deep dive into research and passion for fixing the issues others overlook is game-changing. We talked about everything from the critical role of testosterone in healing to groundbreaking methods for treating chronic pain and diseases. Dr. Chalmers shares insights on how simple changes can dramatically improve your health, and his innovative approach is something everyone needs to hear. If you're ready to transform your health and wellness, this episode is a must-listen.

#RickJordan #Podcast 

We Meet: Matt Chalmers, Chalmers Wellness

Episode References: 

Chiropractic Care


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About Matt:

I kept seeing that people had issues and no one wanted to find the answers to them. Since I had issues and everyone was wrong about them and I had to fix them I started looking at how to fix everyone else, like a puzzle. So I wake up at 4 every morning and I have for 10 years and I read research. So I have been able to figure out from the research how to fix a lot of things.