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Why God does not waste pain How to use creative energy to be successful How do you find your calling or purpose? Do you define yourself by what you are doing, or simply by who you are.


We Meet:   Justin Rule, Sparrow Websites


Straight Truth: If you know who you are, you can find joy and satisfaction in whatever you do, but if you look to learn joy, satisfaction and fulfillment, from what you do, then that is a dangerous place to be.


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Book Rocket Fuel 


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About Justin:
With 22 different jobs, 2 church plants, a few failed startups, and a 10-year nonprofit adventure under my belt – all before my mid-30s – I am far from the poster child of “pick a career path and stick to it.” And somehow I evolved from a city boy to an experimental hobby farmer with 5 kids, 35 chickens (unless the fox got some last night), ducks, bunnies, cats, and a Bernese mountain dog named Maximus.


All that aside, although I was formally schooled in Geological Oceanography at one of the top ten oceanography programs–I am now the owner of Sparrow Websites – a web design shop that started with a nerd (named Adam) and a creative (yours truly) teaming up to bring a new approach to website design with options for small business owners and entrepreneurs. We serve over 250 small businesses!

The kicker? I shouldn't even be alive. I was born 3.5 months early, at the end of the second trimester. I weighed 2lbs 4oz and was diagnosed as being deaf with cerebral palsy and given a 10% chance to live. A few miracles and a few decades later, it is obvious God had other plans.