The room you’re in matters. Whether you’re consuming information - or you’re the one sharing it. The best way to grow and develop yourself, your relationships, your career, your life: get in the right room, with the people who will give you the insight needed to catapult you forward. 


“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” — Walt Disney


Press play for:

Attending live events can give you a huge leg up over those who stay home and just passively consume information The “5 by 5” tool Rick learned over a decade ago from an event that’s been integral to his growth to this day The very first thing is that Rick did when he was totally broke with only $3 in his bank account and two newborn twins; and how he got out of being stuck with his “back to a wall” Rick’s inside tips/secrets on how he overcame his financial obstacles You must put in the work ahead of time — learn why it’s important to put in the work before you receive the reward(s) Your relationship with a great mentor must go two ways. Learn from your mentors and their mistakes, and teach them what you’re learning along the way



The Straight Truth: No one can survive without mentors, including Rick. You need tangible people in your life to learn from.

The One Thing: Take everything that you’ve listened to here and go find yourself an event - put yourself in the right room.


**Ready to take action? Register for the ALL IN Growth Conference coming up in late September 2019!**


Episode References 

All In Episode #12: The 5 Obstacles You’ll Face in Sales All In Episode #23: The 5 Why’s of Sales Joel Bauer — trained Tony Robbins, Russel Brunson, and more John Maxwell — Renowned author, speaker Russell Brunson’s Funnel Hacking Live Event Traffic and Conversion Summit Roland Frasier

All In Growth Conference — Everything you need to take your business and life to the next level


Connect with Rick on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (@mrrickjordan)


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Rick’s company: ReachOut IT


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