Previous Episode: Fire Your Weakest Link

Met Krista Hilton, Founder of the Drunk Republic. Listen to the journey she has been on these past few years in her fight to wake people up from being woke. 

We Meet: Krista Hilton, Founder // Drunk Republic

Episode References: 

Cares Act


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine

Bernie Sanders

Portland, OR

Chicago, IL


Amen Clinics

Liberty Lockdown

Cyber Crime

Adobe Premiere 



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About Krista:

Conservative single mom & entrepreneur still living in Portland, OR. Started a brand called Drunk Republic and a podcast called Drunk Politics (it's a play on words calling out how drunk on power our politicians are) out of a burning need to get fellow Americans to wake up to the madness that is perpetuating in our country and then do something about it. She's been invited onto Newsmax multiple times talking about HOW conservatives can get involved in starting to take back their cities, especially the very liberal ones, as well as how she is raising her son with conservative values having pulled him out of the public school system to homeschool him while going on a cross country roadtrip before putting him in a small Christian private school.