If you fit yourself to fit in another person’s box, you are doing it all wrong. You can dream as big as you want, and those dreams don’t have to have limits. Trust yourself, and listen to yourself, you can DO IT.

#RickJordan #Podcast #Entrepreneur 

We Meet: Kris Bradley, CEO of Produce Like a Boss/Brilliant Badass

Episode References: 



Connect with Rick: https://linktr.ee/mrrickjordan

Connect with Kris: www.krisbradley.com 

Universal Rate & Review: https://lovethepodcast.com/allinwithrickjordan

Subscribe & Review to ALL IN with Rick Jordan on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RickJordanALLIN

About Kris:  Kris Bradley, CEO of Produce Like a Boss and Brilliant Badass, is a creative force who has transformed her life from a homeless high school dropout & starving artist to a 7 figure entrepreneur. With her unique combination of skills as a strategist, entrepreneur, coach, and musician, she inspires and empowers ambitious creatives to turn their passions into successful businesses. Through her guidance and support, Kris helps creative entrepreneurs chase their dreams fearlessly and create a life of financial freedom and personal fulfillment. Whether you're an artist, musician, or entrepreneur, she is dedicated to shining a light on your potential and helping you transform your passion into a thriving and profitable business.

Wishbone blog: https://www.krisbradley.com/blog/how-a-wishbone-led-me-back-to-la