I'm taking you on a deeply personal journey that's been both challenging and incredibly rewarding. From the moment I stood in the NASDAQ boardroom, sharing my story, to touching the lives of millions around the globe, it's been an adventure that's taught me the true meaning of going ALL IN. This isn't just about the successes or the milestones; it's about the raw, unfiltered path of chasing dreams that seem almost too big to grasp. I'll share with you the moments of vulnerability, the decision to seek a legacy far beyond financial comfort, and the realization that true impact comes from focusing on delivering value, not chasing numbers. If you're looking for inspiration to ignite your dreams and a real talk on what it takes to make a meaningful difference, this episode is for you. Join me as we dive into the heart of dreaming big, the courage to pursue those dreams, and the journey to living a life that keeps expanding with your vision.

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