Have you ever wondered who a child of a family of engineers would be? Think chiropractic care, but on a deeper level. Meet Dr. Matt Chalmers. A man that loves to look deeper into the health of humans and how cannabis, vitamins and supplements, and hormones can change your life forever.

#RickJordan #Podcast #health

We Meet: Matt Chalmers, Chalmers Wellness

Episode References: 

Chiropractic Care


Connect with Rick: https://linktr.ee/mrrickjordan

Connect with Matt: https://pillarsofwellness.com/

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About Matt:

I kept seeing that people had issues and no one wanted to find the answers to them. Since I had issues and everyone was wrong about them and I had to fix them I started looking at how to fix everyone else, like a puzzle. So I wake up at 4 every morning and I have for 10 years and I read research. So I have been able to figure out from the research how to fix a lot of things.