Previous Episode: Ep. 93 - Finding Your Rudder
Next Episode: Ep. 95 - Spirituality

Do you have aging parents that might one day live with you?

Are you aging yourself and thinking about how to manage your future?

Show title: 

Multigenerational Families


I am actively building the life of my dreams through consistent goal setting utilizing (7) categories:

financialphysicalpersonal developmentfamilyspiritualsocialcareer

Today we are talking family and tomorrow we'll be covering something in the spiritual realm.

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Multigenerational Families

What is a Multigenerational Household?

The U.S. Census Bureau defines multigenerational families as those consisting of more than two generations living under the same roof. Many researchers also include households with a grandparent and at least one other generation.

8 Tips for Multigenerational Families – Living With Parents When You Have Kids

Making Multigenerational Households Work

Set BoundariesFind Some PrivacyDivvy Up the Chores and CostsConnect as a FamilyPick Your BattlesBe RespectfulSet a RoutineSet Your Priorities

Final Word

Gratitude goes a long way in smoothing out any relationship wrinkles, and staying consistent and firm with your rules can lead to a better experience for everyone. Multigenerational households only work with a high degree of mutual respect, communication, and, above all, loving family ties.

Have you ever lived with your parents and kids at the same time?

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