Panel: Charles Max Wood

Guest: Paul Spears

This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Paul Spears. Paul works for Oasis Digital, which is a software development firm based out of St. Louis, and teaches at Angular Boot Camp. He first got his career started at Oasis Digital and has been there for around the past 8 years. He first got into programming in early high school/late middle school when he and his Dad would build computers out of scraps they found. This really sparked his interest in computers and led him to pursue software development as a career. They also talk about what he is working on now and what he is most proud of contributing to the community.

In particular, We dive pretty deep on:

Paul intro
How did you first get into programming?
Built computers with his Dad
First computer science class in high school
C++ in high school
Computer science degree in college
What was it that drew you into programming?
Loves logic puzzles
Likes being able to automate issues and problems with software
How did you wind up at Oasis Digital?
What is your approach to bringing people on to get a job?
Put emphasis on finding people who are interested in “solving the puzzles”
Learning the actual API is not the main goal
Get a Coder Job Course
Hiring outside the CS degree
What are you most proud of contributing to the community?
Project work
Creating curriculum
What are you working on now?
Loves that he can keep continuing to learn new things about Angular
And much, much more!


Oasis Digital
Angular Boot Camp
Get a Coder Job Course
Paul’s GitHub
Oasis Digital GitHub



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