02:20 - Components: Angular 1.0 => Angular 2.0


Rob Eisenberg

07:31 - Single Components; Multiple Templates

11:37 - Common Associations with an Angular 2.0 Component

Tutorial: Tour of Heroes

15:35 - Directives

1.5 and the New Component Function
Directives in Angular 2.0

Structural Layout Directives
Regular/Attribute Directives

Joe Eames: Directives 101

29:54 - Styling (Separating Components and Directives)

35:38 - Inline Templates vs Separate Templates

How do you decide?

46:11 - Components; Controllers


Joe Eames: Directives 101  (Joe)

Seth MacFarlane (Joe)

HTML editing within .js/.ts code (e.g. in es6 template strings). (John)

Angular 1 JavaScript and TypeScript Snippets for VS Code (John)

Angular 2 TypeScript Snippets for VS Code (John)

JS Remote Conf (John)

Good news (Chuck)

Angular Remote Conf Videos (Chuck)


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