Episode 39: In the last year I've begun to work with more entrepreneurs and have begun learning new planning strategies that while may not be a good fit for everyone, can be very impactful for business owners and other entrepreneurs. In an effort to continue to expand my horizons as a financial advisor, I met Nina O'Neal who has been working with business owners entrepreneurs and high net worth families for most of her career. Since she has years of experience with this type of planning, I asked her to join me in a conversation highlighting a few ways advisors can help their clients take advantage of unique planning strategies

It is important to note our conversation is not a recommendation of any of the strategies or types of investments; consult your financial advisor to discuss your personal situation.

We also talk about the heated debate amongst advisors regarding business models, compensation and the use of the term fiduciary; I really like how Nina notes fiduciary is the behavior of an advisor, not the compensation.

In addition to discussing financial planning, we also talk about her career as a published author, Britney Spears, and how she keeps herself in good shape mentally, emotionally and physically as she balances being a partner at Archer Investment Management, a mom to two boys, and working on a soon-to-be announced project.

There's something for everyone in this episode. Be sure to follow Nina to hear her big announcement in the coming weeks!

I hope you enjoy!

iTunes: All About Your Benjamins The Podcast: Nina O'Neal

Show Notes:

Twitter: @noneal510


Archer Investment Management

Relentless By Tim Grover

All About Your Benjamins Talkin' Shop



Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining to your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.