Episode 40: It seems as if the American Dreams of a college education and home ownership have put many individuals, particularly Millennials, in financial distress. Financial advisors are not immune from the same financial constraints we help our clients with, and in a couple of honest blog posts, Chris Haigh, CFP® shared his experience and anger with the student loan machine.

Chris’ post about student loans was his first blog post and it was a heck of a first post—the FinTwit community immediately embraced it and shared it. In his encore, Chris tackled the myth of home ownership and how in some situations owning a home is not better than renting, despite the common myth that renting is throwing money away.

We discuss both in this episode.

Be sure to follow Chris on Twitter and his blog—he’s just getting started and he’s got plenty more to come.

Twitter: @haighfinancial

The Devil You Don't

The Black Plague 2.0 (Student Loans)

Iconoclastic Capital


Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining to your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.