We all know that businesses need a website, but what if you’re going it alone and not sure where on earth to start?  When it comes to creating a website, it’s easy to be overwhelmed – so we were pleased to sit down with Lisa Rees to demystify the process for us.  Lisa, aka Website Wonder Woman, specialises in helping entrepreneurs with their online presence and she totally “gets it”.  Lisa knows exactly what it’s like trying to fit in website creation alongside everything else when setting up your business, and she generously shared lots of great advice and insights, including:

Why you need a website, and why just a FaceBook (or other social media) presence won’t do;
How to get started and see your way past the overwhelm!
The “nuts & bolts” of what exactly is needed for you to create a website;
Online security and how to protect your website;
Ongoing website maintenance and doing it yourself.


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About Lisa Rees and Website Wonder Woman

In 2007 Lisa started designing websites for friends and family as a hobby, and she soon started getting referrals and people seeking her from outside her usual network.  To Lisa’s amazement a new business was organically growing, and Website Wonder Woman was born.  Lisa and her team love supporting and training inspirational business owners in everything website and tech related.

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