Some of you may have heard about the tragic incident in Atlanta involving a case of shoulder dystocia during childbirth. In light of this case, I thought I’d take the opportunity to explain exactly what shoulder dystocia is, how likely it is to occur, and what makes it so dangerous.

I delve into this topic in more detail in the episode, but essentially shoulder dystocia occurs when a baby’s shoulder gets stuck behind the pelvic bone during delivery. Nine times out of ten the situation will resolve with no harm to the birthing person or baby. However, there’s no way to predict when it might happen so maternity care providers like myself need to stay prepared to handle it during childbirth.

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:What shoulder dystocia isHow likely is it to occurWhat some of the common risk factors areWhy addressing dystocia needs to happen as quickly as possibleWhat hospitals and medical providers do to stay prepared to handle itWhat maneuvers are used to deal with shoulder dystociaWhich injuries are most commonHow to reduce complicationsHow care decisions should be madeWhat to do after baby comes out


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