Sometimes, you realize that your Plan B was your Plan A all along. When Julia chose to become a solo mom, there were a lot of decisions to be made. She meditated, traveled, journaled, and more.

This path of independent maternity felt right to her so she set out to learn as much about alternative families as she could. She decided to do this by having conversations with real people which inspired her podcast Stork’d. She’s on a mission to share through personal experience, both hers and others’, what it looks like to create your own happiness.

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:Why Julia opted to be a solo momWhat made her select insemination over adoptionHow her friends and family responded to her choice to be an independent parentHow she found the confidence to stand firm in her decision to be a solo motherWhich factors she took into consideration when choosing a sperm donorWhat the donor selection process was likeWhat it was like to navigate prenatal care as a solo parentWhat the positives and negatives were of living with her parents postpartum


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