A guided meditation to help you manifest unexpected and expected money in 48 hours or less. We tap into and align with the energy of money so that you attract faster! This is the perfect meditation to start your day or end your day with so that you start the day in abundance.

And make sure to leave a review on iTunes!

If you're serious about manifestation and want to unlock secrets to manifesting an abundant life of love and money.  a couple of spots have opened for my one on one coaching program.
 Head on over to www.aniwey.com/apply1on1 and hop on a manifestation consultation call with me. And learn how you can massively up level your finances and your relationships.

Links/ Resources:
Download your money manifestation guide: www.aniwey.com/money
Manifestation Queens| Abundance of Love& Money Facebook group
To see my other guides: www.aniwey.com/links