If you love affirmations and scripting then you’re going to love this technique. This originated from Nikola Tesla who talks about the divine code and the magnificent of the numbers 369.
So we are going to use these numbers to help you manifest money into your life. We’re going to go over the exact 5 step method for you to follow to manifest money into your life using the 369 technique.

This is the affirmation we talked about to help you with your money mindset that you can use for 369 manifestation.
"I release all resistance to money. I am ready and aligned to receive money in expected and unexpected ways. I am grateful for the Money flowing easily into my life."

If you're serious about manifestation and want to unlock secrets to manifesting an abundant life of love and money.  a couple of spots have opened for my one on one coaching program.
 Head on over to www.aniwey.com/apply1on1 and hop on a manifestation consultation call with me. And learn how you can massively up level your finances and your relationships.

Links/ Resources:
Download your money manifestation guide: www.aniwey.com/money
Manifestation Queens| Abundance of Love& Money Facebook group
To see my other guides: www.aniwey.com/links