We continue on our 90s Stallone journey with the 1991 disaster that is "Stop! OR My Mom Will Shoot." A film that even Stallone himself considers to be the worst of his career (That is right even worse than "Rhinestone", "Driven" or "Get Carter"). Is it that bad? Well yeah, it pretty much is. But just like last week that doesn't mean we don't have a fun episode for you. Even if most of that fun will probably stem from listening Scott and Craig losing their minds as they try to comprehend how anyone wrote this. Moreover, how anybody wrote this and thought it was funny!

Elsewhere in the episode, Scott and Craig discuss how this might be the most generic movie ever made, how it is visible watching the film Stallone does not want to be there and just how hard Estelle Getty works to try and save the film (it doesn't work but it is still a worthy effort - the only worthy effort in the movie). Plus, we talk about the original darker draft of the script, the wild character inconsistencies and how this film is connected to the other worst film we have covered ,"The Patriot."

"All '90s Action, All The Time" is produced by Scott Murphy, Kyle Hintz  and Craig Draheim. Music by Elyssa Vulpes. Editing by Scott Murphy.