We continue on our 90s Stallone journey remarkably with a movie we actually like! Yes, it is 1993's Cliffhanger. But does it stand up to childhood nostalgia? Well Craig and Scott seek to find out and discover much to their delight that it is still almost as entertaining as they remembered it. From the classic opening to the thrilling mid-air heist to the scenery-chewing villains there is much to enjoy. Even if there is a couple of useless subplots that could easily be excised from the film.

Elsewhere, Craig and Scott talk about how surprising it is seeing Michael Rooker as a good guy, Stallone's obsession with showing off his glutes in his movies and '90s actions treatment of its female characters (eh, not good). Plus, we get into how the film resurrected Stallone's career, how the filmmakers tried to pass off Italy as Colorado and this films connection to another snowy 1993 film "Cool Runnings". 

"All '90s Action, All The Time" is produced by Scott Murphy, Kyle Hintz   and Craig Draheim. Music by Elyssa Vulpes. Editing by Scott Murphy.