In this final episode of our three-part series with Sinora, we will talk about one of the most profound questions today: what is self-love?

Let me preface this by saying that the definition of self-love can differ among individuals because many factors can help articulate it: our childhood experiences, culture, beliefs, and even the people who stay and leave in our lives.

Today, we will hear about how self-love looks and feels like for Sinora, a Native American woman who’s gone through so much in her life, from her trouble with conceiving to a life-changing accident. Her story will also illustrate how embracing one’s identity is crucial in fully living the self-love mantra and how gratitude amplifies it.

Here's what was covered in this episode:

How her hair plays a huge part in her journey to self-love
Why she also believes that love is the ultimate healing force in the world
The power of gratitude
What activism is for her and how it is also an example of self-love
The people that play a huge role in her self-love path