Though sex is a prevalent topic in society, it remains taboo in many social circles. This may be due to the fact that sex is often seen as a private matter, and discussions about it are often considered to be inappropriate in public settings.

Additionally, there is a strong stigma surrounding sex in many cultures, which can make people reluctant to discuss it openly.

However, this reluctance to talk about sex openly can lead to a lack of education about sexual health, practices, and identities, which can ultimately be harmful.

In this sexually charged episode, Yael and I finally address the elephant in the room and touch on topics many don't want to deal with, from breaking away with labels to how to talk about sex to children, how people's experiences and interactions with society affect our perception of sex, and a whole lot more.

Mind you, with my background, this is an uncomfortable discussion - but a necessary one if I hope to contribute into creating a safe, nonjudgmental space not only for others but more so for myself.

So lower down your inhibitions, open up your mind, and be educated about the power of sex and its role in your identity.

Here's what was covered in this episode:

How to start finding your sexual identity
Where does shame come from and how to get rid of it?
How organizations like Kaleidoscope Vibrations help you find your identity without strict labels attached
What is fluidity?
How to handle sex talk with kids
What is sex-positive you?