Hakeem Davis is a college football teammate of mine who had a tragic ending to his career @ Western Washington University from my point of view. 

In this episode Hakeem opens up about his life long struggle with Bi-Polar Disorder which includes the tragic ending I'm referring too above as well as his struggle with drugs and alcohol. 

I have such fond memories with Hakeem at WWU, but I always wondered what happened to him after his psychotic break towards the end of my football career. I feel blessed to get the story straight from his mouth, but to also learn so much more about Hakeem that I never knew. 

His story is sure to hit home with those who struggle with Bi-Polar Disorder and/or those who know someone with the disease. 

But his story also includes an entrepreneurial journey that made him a millionaire & a sobriety journey in which he has just begun. 

What a powerful conversation!!!