Hello Loves,


Thank you for downloading the podcast, my name is Arlina, and I’ll be your host.


In case we haven’t met yet, I am a certified Recovery Coach and Hypnotist. I am obsessed with all things recovery, including neuroscience, reprogramming the subconscious mind, law of attraction, all forms of personal growth and spirituality. I have been practicing abstinence from drugs and alcohol since 4/23/94, and I believe in people finding what works for them. 


If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or follow us on Instagram at 

@odaatpodcast so you don’t miss out on any upcoming episodes like this one.


Today I have the honor of sharing a very touching story from my new friend Tim Lodgen. I found Tim’s openness and vulnerability to be truly courageous. He has a huge following on Instagram already and he shares the message of hope in a profound way. His stories will both bring a tear to your eye, but in that magical way that only those of us in recovery really understand. It was such a pleasure to speak with Tim today. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.