Hey Friend, thanks for hanging out with me today!


Today my guest, Michael Brody-Waite. He’s a Tedx Nashville Speaker, former CEO of InQuicker, and  author of “Great Leaders Live LIke Drug Addicts. How to Lead People Like Your Life Depends On It”. Super down to earth kinda guy, who just happens to be doing God’s work.


But before we jump in, I thought hey, maybe you’d like a little explanation of what I’ve been doing for the last couple months? So just in case you were wondering, here it is...


As you may or may not know, I have a full time job as an Account Manager for a high tech company, which provides software that allows people to work from home. So you probabl see where this is going, right? 


As Covid-19 hit, I was working 12-14 hour days to keep up with demand and I had zero time to interview anyone. It was nuts! 


Then after weeks of going full steam, just as I was about to burn out, both my husband and I got really sick with a flu of some sort, which knocked me out of the game for a bit. I completely lost my voice for a while, then I kinda sounded like a “2 pack a day smokin trucker”, so still, no interviews. 


But I’m all better now, my voice has returned 100% and I’ve been recording some awesome interviews, and I’m looking forward to sharing those!


In other news, on April 23, I celebrated 26 years of recovery! So crazy! Especially when you consider there was a time I couldn’t make it to noon without a bong hit!


But what a blessing its been to be able to join a bunch of online meetings with both my ODAAT home group in San Jose where I moved from last year, but also with the ladies here in Idaho. I also shared my good news in a few of the online recovery groups I’m part of, especially the private women’s ODAAT Chat FB group, so that was really special for me too.


And thank you for your part in my recovery journey. I am so grateful that you allow me to pass it on. You are definitely helping to keep me sober. 


But I’ll tell you, one of the biggest lessons of this last year has been around boundaries. 


Not so much in the traditional sense that you typically hear about, which typically involve teaching people how to treat you, but boundaries for myself. The kind that conserve my energy, and limits unreasonable expectations of myself and others.  


I realized that I can no longer lie to myself and pretend that I’m okay with “over helping” or doing more than my fair share because, as it turns out, there’s no amount of spiritual bypassing that will allow me to avoid feeling resentful towards someone who isn’t interested in meeting me half way. It showed up for me particularly in working relationships and friendships this year. 


But here’s the truth: the real boundary is for me, for my expectations of what I can tolerate without losing my peace. I realized I was selling myself out for the hope of some future gain, that most often, never materialized.


Boundary setting is a skill that can be learned, and it’s one of the things I teach in “The Connection Cure, A Self Esteem Workshop for People in Recovery”.


There is a new workshop starting soon, so check odaatchat.com for details and upcoming dates.


So for an intro to today’s episode, I’ll just say that you are about to meet a really good guy. Someone who has not only been through a lot, but has also created a system to help people thrive in the business world, using the principles of the program. It’s actually brilliant, and I greatly appreciate the passion, clarity and focus he has when he communicates.


So with that, please enjoy (and share!) this episode, with Michael Brody-Waite!


Tedx Talk Nashville: https://youtu.be/UUnRKf2CemA


Link to his book, “Great Leaders Live LIke Drug Addicts, How to Lead People Like Your Life Depends On It” : https://greatleaderbook.com/


Mask-Free Workshop: https://www.michaelbrodywaite.com/live-workshop/