Today’s chat is with Jesse Lee Peterson. You may have seen his youtube channel in which he chats with guests, or heard his radio show. We talk about his Time, Energy and Resources™ and get into some detailed discussions on men and women. Jesse is a talk show host, evangelist, mentor and counselor. He’s written […]

The post Father’s Day: Jesse Lee Peterson first appeared on Alchemy For Life.

Today’s chat is with Jesse Lee Peterson. You may have seen his youtube channel in which he chats with guests, or heard his radio show. We talk about his Time, Energy and Resources™ and get into some detailed discussions on men and women.

Jesse is a talk show host, evangelist, mentor and counselor. He’s written four books: From Rage to Responsibility: Black Conservative Jesse Lee Peterson and America Today, CAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America, The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success, 2007 and The ANTIDOTE: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood.

Connect with Jesse




The opinions expressed by guests on the Alchemy for Life™ podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the podcast or its host. We expend energy understand and discuss topics with guests in the umbrella of Time, Energy and Resources™ and to that end listen to and discuss varying and differing opinions. The post Father’s Day: Jesse Lee Peterson first appeared on Alchemy For Life.