What regrets do sellers in our market have?

We’re in the best seller’s market I’ve ever seen, but you still have to take certain steps if you want the very best outcome from your transaction. Combining my first-hand knowledge of the market with reports sent out by the National Association of Realtors, here are the four most common regrets sellers have about their transactions: 
They regret that they rushed the process. They didn’t spit-shine and polish the house. They overestimated how long it would take to prep the home for sale. They thought the seller’s market would compensate for the condition of their house.

Remember to think about the bigger picture.

All the time, we see sellers say that they’re ready to put their homes on the market right away, but they often fail to account for everything going on in their lives when it comes to prepping for the sales process. If you’re planning to sell your home, give yourself some grace and a little extra time to get ready to go live on the market. 
As you get ready to sell, remember to think about the bigger picture: What repairs should you do before you list? What plans do you have to make sure your move goes smoothly? 
If you’ve been thinking about selling your home and want to make sure that you won’t look back and have regrets about your transaction, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to help you.