Nothing too crazy will be happening in our 2019 market, but some things will certainly be changing. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes
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 Today we’ll be taking a look at what our market could hold throughout 2019. Though we don’t have a crystal ball, we can make fairly accurate predictions based on current numbers and trends we’ve been seeing in the market.

For your convenience, we’ve included timestamps of our conversation. Feel free to navigate to the section(s) you’re most interested in viewing:

(0:54) — Where our market is right now
(2:28) — How inventory levels and new home construction can be used for predictions
(4:34) — Though there will be new construction, it’s too pricey for entry-level buyers
(5:35) — Affordability is a predictor, and interest rates are expected to rise this year
(8:12) — How the predicted 5.3% rate will affect home payments
(10:43) — Home prices may continue to rise this year
(11:58) — Home appreciation nationwide is expected at 3.9% in 2019
(13:45) — We aren’t in a bubble and shouldn’t be worried
(14:35) — How millennials are expected to make up half of all homebuyers next year
(16:25) — A great story about one person’s move to New Mexico
(17:52) — Thanks for listening!

If you have any questions or need more information about our market, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.