Welcome to another episode of the Self Aware Leader Podcast, where we explore the intersection of leadership and spirituality in today's rapidly changing world. In this episode, we tackle a critical issue affecting not only leaders but everyone living in our polarized society: how to be politically neutral and maintain a balanced perspective.

Navigating the Political Landscape:

In a world that seems to be more divided by the day, being a self-aware leader requires the ability to step back and view the broader picture. It is easy to become consumed by the constant barrage of news, opinions, and debates surrounding politics. As leaders, we must learn to maintain neutrality and avoid being swept up in the emotional currents of these discussions, while still being informed and engaged in the issues that affect our world.

Cultivate Emotional Intelligence:
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions and those of others. In the context of political neutrality, emotional intelligence is essential in helping us separate our emotions from the facts, opinions, and arguments we encounter. By developing our emotional intelligence, we can engage in political conversations with empathy and understanding, without being swayed by our emotions or biases.

Practice Active Listening:
Active listening is a skill that goes beyond just hearing what others say. It involves truly understanding the speaker's point of view, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback. By practicing active listening, we can engage in political conversations with an open mind and a genuine interest in learning from others, regardless of their political stance.

Find Common Ground:
As self-aware leaders, our goal should be to build bridges and find common ground with others, rather than fueling division. Look for areas of agreement or shared values, even if they seem minor in comparison to the disagreements. By focusing on commonalities, we can foster open dialogue and cultivate understanding between people with opposing views.

Embrace Humility:
Humility is a key aspect of spiritual growth and a vital trait for leaders. Recognizing that we do not have all the answers and being willing to learn from others, even those with opposing views, allows us to maintain political neutrality. Approach political discussions with humility, acknowledging that your perspective is only one piece of the puzzle.

Stay Informed, Not Consumed:
It is crucial for leaders to be well-informed about current events and political issues. However, becoming consumed by the 24/7 news cycle can be detrimental to our mental and emotional well-being. Establish boundaries for consuming news and political content, and make time for other activities that nurture your spiritual growth and personal development.


Being a self-aware leader in a polarized world is no easy task, but it is possible with intention, empathy, and humility. By cultivating emotional intelligence, practicing active listening, finding common ground, embracing humility, and staying informed without being consumed, we can navigate the political landscape with grace and wisdom. Remember, as leaders, our goal is to bring people together, inspire growth, and contribute positively to the world around us.