If you’re willing to deliver more value to your client than what you’re paid for, your career in real estate will take off.

Looking to improve your real estate career? I'm here to help you make a smart decision when it comes to growing your business, improving your bottom line, and choosing a place to work in real estate sales. If you'd like to learn more about working with Clancy Real Estate, contact me at (518)861-7016 or [email protected].

I’ve been traveling and attending a lot of conferences lately and learning a lot from them. One of those conferences was Mike Ferry’s, and he talked about today’s topic: creating more value than what you’re paid for.

I don’t think any business coach will tell you that creating more value than what you’re paid for is a bad business model. However, most companies provide as little service as possible to their clients in order to get paid. In the long run, I believe this can cost you far more in terms of referrals, goodwill, and your reputation.

How can you as a Realtor provide massive value to your clients? Go the extra mile. Do more than what other agents do during the transaction. I experienced a couple examples of this outside the real estate world recently.

The first was an Uber ride. My driver had the interior of his car decked out with LED lights, he had bottled water available, and he even asked me what kind of music I wanted to listen to. It was exceptional service compared to the average Uber or cab ride. This guy’s attitude was phenomenal.

The second was when my car had a flat tire and I had to call AAA. The kid they sent out to me had a positive attitude and didn’t complain, and I ended up tipping him very well even though I didn’t have to. He did such a great job, was such a great guy, and gave me such a positive experience that I felt obligated to tip him. 

Always go the extra mile for your clients.

Real estate works the same way. All the way from the start of the transaction to the closing gift, it’s important how your client perceives you. 

Speaking of closing gifts, if you need an idea for one, our team has started using personalized engraved cutting boards. You can see an example of one in the video above. The point is, it’s the thought that counts. Put some thought into what you give your client. Give them something they can use and something that will remind them of you. 

If you’re willing to deliver more value to your client than what you’re paid for, I guarantee your career in real estate will take off. 

As always, if you’re not where you want to be in your real estate career, give me a call and I’d be happy to sit down and talk to you about how I generate leads. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me as well. 

Here’s to your continued success in real estate.