For more information and sources you could check out   In our effort to trace the Exodus, we can produce an outline of what we have learned so far as follows: 1) As stated in Galatians 4:25, and confirmed by ancient historians and modern archaeology, Mt. Sinai, or Mt. Horab, is in Arabia, near the ancient, recently discovered city of Midian, not near the southern Sinai Peninsula of Christian lore; 2) the Biblically asserted times and location of Joseph and the Hebrews is archaeologically supported to be in Goshen (Tel El Daba); 3) knowing the location of these two, even if approximate, along with the geography of the land and knowledge of other nations and where they were located during those times; 4) the enslavement of the Joseph’s family sometime after his death, the forced labor of these people by the Egyptians to make bricks for Egyptian building projects is archaeologically supported, for example by wall paintings showing Semites engaged in brick-making from the tomb of Rekhmire, to Pharaoh Amenhotep I; 5) at least some of these Hebrew settlements were destroyed, covered at some locations by Hyksos buildings (eg the palace at Tel El Daba); 6) the early dates presented by these Scriptural assertions and archaeological finds implicate the Hyksos invaders, who ruled Egypt for about 108 years, were the ones who did not know Joseph and who initially enslaved the Israelites; 7) the presence of what was considered by the Egyptians and Canaanite nations as nomads, were present in Canaan, and were threatening the very existence of the nations in Canaan, as documented by mid-1330s BC letters from , the Egyptian vassal ruler of in the period; 8) the nation of Israel is specifically named in the Israel stele, a 13th century tablet found in a 3200 year-old poem, written by Merneptah; 9) the gulf of Aquba, rather than the traditionally-held Gulf of Suez, is the better candidate by far for the Red Sea crossing, and Nuweiba Peninsula seems the only feasible crossing point along that Gulf; 10) Undersea research at the gulf where it extends beyond Nuweiba reveals a 5000 foot and more wide land-bridge, ancient Egyptian wagon-wheel and axle shaped coral formations, making a foot crossing, given a remarkable sea parting occurs first; 11) after locating Mt. Sinai and the Red Sea Crossing, the route from Goshen seems clearly to be along common trade routes used at the time, across the Sinai Penisula.   An independent confirmation obtained during historical and scientific research is always nice to get.     For more information and sources you could check out