Greg Stilson, Aira's Director of Product Management, speaks with Jonathan Mosen about Aira's partnership with Bose. Greg describes Bose Frames, how and why you might use them, and what the future holds for Bose and Aira. Learn more about Bose Frames on the Bose website.


Australia and New Zealand now have the full range of Aira pricing plans and our Horizon hardware. Learn more on our Australia page or our New Zealand page. There's now a subgroup of Aira's official discussion group, hosted on, for Australia and New Zealand Explorers. First, join the main Aira discussion group, then to join the new Down Under subgroup, send a blank email to [email protected]


There's an agent profile in this episode. We meet Aira agent Amanda Nuckoles, who describes being an Aira agent is her dream job.

In listener comments, we hear feedback from a couple of Australian Airacast listeners.