Dr. Daniel Ennis is the President of The Institute for Perception. Danny has more than 40 years of experience working on product testing theory and applications for consumer products. He holds doctorates both in food science and in mathematical & statistical psychology. He is also a Professional Statistician accredited by the American Statistical Association.  Among his many accomplishments, Danny has published extensively in the chemical senses and on mathematical models for human decision-making. Danny is a recipient of the Sensory and Consumer Sciences Achievement Award from IFT and also the ASTM David R. Peryam Award in recognition for “outstanding contributions to the field of basic and applied sensory science.” Danny consults globally and has served as an expert witness in a wide variety of advertising cases.


Company website: https://www.ifpress.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-ennis-6a3a3a36/


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