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I am excited for a big change in my life, but it signifies a big transition in terms of leaving Timor and an amazing team and a country program I have put my heart into building over the last four and a half years.  I have taken some time to reflect what I have done well as a leader during my time here, and what I could have done better.  Today I want to focus on what obstacles if I had overcome them would have made my team stronger and our work in the community even better.  

These obstacles are not easy for me to admit - and yet I think you may relate to at least one of them.  I want to make this as useful as possible for you, so I am going to suggest ways in which you can overcome similar obstacles if you face them.  

This is a lot of information - so much so I have split it into two episodes - but I think you will find it very helpful and if you want to get the full transcript for this show so you can review at your leisure, I will send it in the next Supplemental Sundays email on Sunday July 8th.  If you want to receive it all you have to do, if you are not already subscribed to the email list, is sign up on for the next Supplemental Sundays email.

For resources mentioned in this episode, please find here.