Previous Episode: Ron Jeremy
Next Episode: Mike Tyson

The feedback we've gotten from Conspiracy Court has been, well, freakin awesome!  We wanted to give all our listeners a little taste of the goods with a free episode of Conspiracy Court.  Come join the club at to get all the Conspiracy Court shows, stickers and swag, shout outs, voting power for future shows and more!


Since the dawn of time, civilizations have had stories of mythical and other non-human creatures passed down over generations.  As time evolved, many of these stories became quite believable and found their way into popular culture.  The most famous of these characters is in the courtroom today as we ask the question, is Bigfoot real?  Over the past 100 years or so, Bigfoot sightings have been frequent and fairly consistent.  Organizations have dedicated lots of time and resources to prove the notion that what most perceive as a hoax, is in fact, very real.  But why have we never found a Bigfoot body?  Why don't we find their bones like we do other animals that die?  Was Harry and the Henderson's based on a true story?  We'll dive in to this and much more on this episode of Conspiracy Court.