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AHC Podcast

144 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 month ago - ★★★★★ - 261 ratings

Three lifelong friends examine well-known, notorious public figures and determine on an 11 point system how much of an asshole they really are.

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The History of Diss Tracks and Rap Battles

May 19, 2024 04:00 - 1 hour - 79 MB

So, the original idea for the show was going to be about another accused pedophile, and honestly, we just wanted to talk about something else. So what better topic to discuss with 40-something year-old white guys, than the history or diss tracks and rap battles? This show just isn't a revisit of Biggie vs. Tupac, it's breakdown of the history of the rap battle. Did you know the public, verbal "dissing" between people has been around for a long time? And of course, we dive into the current fr...

Simon Cowell

May 05, 2024 04:00 - 1 hour - 74.9 MB

The British have seemed to corner the market for celebrity TV personalities that can be more or less classified, as pric*s.  We’ve already done a show on Gordon Ramsey, I’ve heard that the second-best Bond, Pierce Brosnan, can be a bit of a jerk, and today’ show subject has made a name for himself not only in the music business but with his snarky putdowns.  Simon Cowell was a star in the UK before coming to the US in the early 2000’s and the show he brought with him, American Idol, took the...

OJ Simpson - The Reboot!

April 21, 2024 04:00 - 1 hour - 82.1 MB

We’ve seen a few of our courtroom contestants meet their maker, as we all will one day, after we release the episode where they are the subject.  Just recently, OJ Simpson, passed away and lots of people made one final dig at The Juice.  Many would say it was well-deserved for what most view as him “getting off” for killing his ex-wife and her friend, but some still say that if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit. In this episode, we’ll reboot our OJ show and tell his story one more time....

Sean "P Diddy" Combs - REVISITED!

April 07, 2024 04:00 - 1 hour - 84.9 MB

Once we got done with our Update Show a couple months ago, we thought we had done a good job of getting everyone caught up on some of shenanigans our subjects had gotten into since we did their show. And I mean, we couldn’t leave Steven Seagal sitting where he was in our final ratings. But then came the absolutely insane stories about Sean “P Diddy” Combs just weeks after our Update Show.  The stories coming out are absolutely nuts and the names involved make this story even more salacious....

Howard Stern

March 24, 2024 04:00 - 1 hour - 89.3 MB

Howard Stern has been at the top of the radio world for decades, making headlines with his crazy antics and intriguing interviews. His shows have remained at the top of the ratings, but as both he and his antics have aged, the show isn’t quite as insane as it once was.  And it was those older shows that made the headlines and Howard a pile of money in the meantime.  But how far is too far?  Has Howard toed the line one too many times for some fans?  We’ll dive into this guy’s crazy story in ...

John Law

March 10, 2024 04:00 - 1 hour - 82.2 MB

Have you ever had a friend or someone you know recommend a movie that you’ve never heard of, and they “swear it’s unbelievable”, and it really is terrific?  What if someone told you that the coolest person that ever lived, passed away before America even became a country?  Many would say, “no chance”, but they may not have heard the story of John Law.  Law was like a 17-century gambler and economist who pretty much invented the idea of centralized banking and at one point may have been the r...

Hugh Hefner

February 25, 2024 05:00 - 1 hour - 92.2 MB

“Men want to be him, and women want to be with him”, that line couldn’t have been more fitting for the show subject in this episode, Hugh Hefner.  Hugh was a pioneer in the porno world and his creation, Playboy, was the introduction of naked women to many in the American public.  Hugh lived the life that many only dream of, and it seems as though all the stories have a ring of truth to them, both good and bad.  As you can only imagine, the shenanigans that went on at the world’s wildest part...

The Update Show!

February 11, 2024 05:00 - 1 hour - 89.7 MB

In the 4+ years we've been discussing the many subjects in our courtroom, it's very much come to our attention that some of our older scores may not align with where we are now. How we got to some of the earlier scores, we can't really explain, but we'll chalk it up to alcohol and inexperience. But we're here to make it right! In this episode, we are going to dive into updates on a number of people we've discussed in the past, as well as go back and make a few scores right. And and of cour...

Pee-Wee Herman (Paul Reubens)

January 28, 2024 05:00 - 1 hour - 83.6 MB

If you are a celebrity, I would imagine the goal for your career would be to ride out your prime years and then gracefully age out into Hollywood history.  There may be some bumps along the way, but if you can avoid that big blowup, it should be smooth sailing.  And then there are those that don’t quite have that made-for-tv ending.  Paul Reubens, aka Pee Wee Herman, was killing it career-wise when it all came to a screeching halt after a night out at the local theater.  Problem was, it wasn...

Taylor Swift

January 14, 2024 05:00 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Some of the subjects in our courtroom may require a little jog of the memory when you first hear of the person, others not so much.  And unless you’ve been living under a rock or in a coma for the last 10 years, Taylor Swift is a name you probably have heard much about, regardless of your taste in music.  The hardworking star has been topping the charts for about a decade, and probably the most remarkable thing about her, is that she has seemed to avoid that one big blowup.  But are there st...

Al Capone

December 31, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour - 76.5 MB

When you think of the “mastermind” behind successful things, you usually find someone with a high level of education, decent business sense, and most importantly, a good idea.  Al Capone ran the largest organized crime ring in Chicago in the 20’s with the education of a 6th grader, a penchant for violence, and an idea that’s been tried many times.  But there is something to be said about being in the right place at the right time. Capone was one of the first “dons” to take his underworld fam...

Genghis Khan

December 17, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour - 80.6 MB

“Back in my day…” is a phrase we are staring to hear more and more as the advancement of society continues to move forward at breakneck speed.  Hearing stories of the “old days” when times were more simple and stresses were different, brings many folks back to the friendly days of childhood.  The phrase “times were different then” seem to be a common mask nowadays for culturally inappropriate behavior, racism, sexism, and anything else that was cool then, but is frowned upon these days.  Whe...

Kurt Cobain

December 03, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour - 104 MB

It’s always sad when the world loses someone too soon, and the music world seems to lose people at the age of 27 in a freakishly odd rate. Many of these talents were generation and changed the landscape of the current time and this show’s subject is no exception.  Kurt Cobain was seemingly at the top of the world when the stress and fame seemed to unravel his life.  There are many conspiracies around his death, but the story leading up to it is just as interesting.  How might his childhood h...

The Unabomber - Ted Kaczynski

November 19, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour - 86.9 MB

You’ve got to be dedicated to make the decision to go off the grid.  The reasons people go off the grid differ, most are pretty insane, but some are just looking for a place to hide. The subject of today’s show, Ted Kaczynski - The Unabomber, was a mixture of both.  The Unabomber’s randomness of targets and timing had America on edge and had Kaczynski at the top of the FBI’s Most Wanted list.  The way his story played out is interesting, but was the manifesto he wrote as insane as most think...

Maury Povich

November 05, 2023 05:00 - 56 minutes - 63.2 MB

The evolution of TV and media is moving rapidly and the number of viewing options we’ve got these days is just insane.  We’ve seen things change over time, some for bad, some for good, but the invention of trash TV is one thing that appears here to stay.  One of the figures that is on the Mt. Rushmore of trash TV, and the subject of today’s show, made paternity tests fun again and finally hung it up a few years ago. Maury Povich is synonymous with the likes of Jerry Spinger and Geraldo and s...

John DeLorean

October 22, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 79.6 MB

There are many iconic images that stick with people over time, and the DeLorean DMC-12 whizzing through town to take Marty McFly Back to the Future is definitely one of those.  We didn’t see too much of the DeLorean automobile in general.  Why is that?  Who the heck is DeLorean anyway?  John DeLorean made his way through the automotive industry, gaining acclaim for his work at GM.  Once he went out on his own, history was made, but the long-term prospects weren’t good.  Why didn’t the DeLore...

The Liver King

October 08, 2023 04:00 - 56 minutes - 65 MB

The title of “King” has been around awhile, and as time goes on, it seems to have definitely lost its luster.  Being the King of Rock and Roll, or the King of Pop, those seemed to have stuck.  But in the age of social media the desire to have followers and likes, it feels like the “King” title is getting thrown around a little loosely to gain attention.  Enter this show’s subject, The Liver King. The Liver King, aka Brian Johnson, has taken to his social media platform to promote his ancestr...

Saddam Hussein

September 24, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 113 MB

On this show, a person’s score is bound to be high when their image is what an entire generation of people think of when they hear the phrase, “bad guy”.  Saddam Hussein cemented his status in history as one of these bag guys, with his ruthless dictatorship of Iraq, including the murder and torture of many of his own people.  He made the mortal mistake of pushing the limit one too many times, and was one of the first public executions the world was able to view in a long time.  How high on t...

Jeff Bezos

September 10, 2023 03:01 - 1 hour - 82.3 MB

If you ask a small child what they want to be when they grow up, odds are you will get the answer from some, “the richest person in the world”.  Well, there can only be one of those people at any given time and the subject of today’s show is not only chart-topping rich, but he’s also changed the way the world buys things.  Jeff Bezos started Amazon from a garage in Seattle and has transformed it into something many of us depend on to get pretty much everything we buy, from paper towels to se...

Chris Pratt

August 28, 2023 00:40 - 1 hour - 75.1 MB

Some stars get their start from a very young age.  Many are born into the show biz world, others have parents that saw that special “something” in their kids from an early age and got them in front of the right people.  Some people seem to blossom later in life, and small part after small part, eventually turns into stardom.  Then, there are stories like the subject of today’s show subject, Chris Pratt.  We’ll dive into how he got his big break in Hollywood and try to figure out why he’s bee...

Sean ”P Diddy” Combs

August 13, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 95.9 MB

Many of the trendsetters from a couple decades ago have started to see the sun set on their careers.  Whether it’s just a lack of work for an aging star or doing something dumb and getting cancelled.  Then there are those that withstand the test of time, adapt and change with new generations, and figure out how to last. We’ve covered many of these folks on our show before and we’ll add another to the list today, Sean Puff Daddy Puffy P Diddy Diddy Combs. While Diddy made his many names in th...

Joel Osteen

July 30, 2023 04:01 - 1 hour - 57.9 MB

The pastors of mega churches are a different breed of people.  We’ve covered a number of them here on AHC Podcast, and the scandals discussed, and corresponding scores seem to shed some of the light on the true work of these “men of the pulpit”.  This episode is about perhaps the most famous of the predatory preachers, Joel Osteen.  With tycoon-type wealth and a following in the millions, it does seem that Osteen has brought good to a lot of people.  But have the private jets and suits worth...

**Double Episode - Conspiracy Court!!**

July 16, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 72.2 MB

What’s up AHC Nation, we’ve got a special treat for you this week.  As all of you know, because we mention it every episode, our Patreon page features a separate show outside of AHC Podcast, called Conspiracy Court.  We thought it was only fair to share a sliver of some of what our paid subscribers enjoy every month to all you freeloaders out there.  I’m kidding, your support is all appreciated! It’s actually going to be a double dose of Conspiracy Court for you, all wrapped into one downlo...

Bill Cosby

July 02, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 53 MB

The #MeToo Movement has brought forward several contestants to the AHC Courtroom, but in this episode, we summon the white whale of the group, Bill Cosby.  With a career lasting back to the 1960’s, Cosby was a pioneer in the TV industry before he became America’s favorite Dad – and then that squeaky clean image he worked so hard to maintain, all went away.  With the accusation of sexual assault from scores of women dating back decades, and the eventual conviction of one, Cosby has fallen so ...

David Koresh

June 18, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 66.7 MB

The Waco Siege was an insane standoff between the Branch Davidians and the US government.  What started as an attempt to see what was going on inside the infamous compound, turned into a months-long horror story that still has America talking today.  The leader of that cult and the subject of today’s show, David Koresh, can rightfully be classified as a monster, but what was it that drew his followers to him?  Was it his insane, ultra-conservative message?  The idea that he was the second co...

Gordon Ramsay

June 04, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 53.9 MB

Most of us have jobs that, if televised, may not make for great TV.  Let’s face it, taking phone calls at your desk, laying concrete, or meeting with a customer doesn’t really rake in the ratings.  But, some of the more interesting jobs are accentuated by even more interesting characters.  Enter someone like the subject of this episode, Gordon Ramsay.   While cooking shows have captured audiences for decades, Ramsay has taken the celebrity chef status to the next level.  His restaurant empir...

Elvis Presley

May 21, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 81.2 MB

To be called the King or Queen of something, you’ve got to have the public buy-in for it to stick.  The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, or Lebron “King” James, and don’t forget the Sausage King of Chicago, Abe Froman.  But for many, if you just reference “The King”, Elvis Presley, will come to mind.  Elvis was a larger-than-life celebrity in his prime and more has been documented about him than most US Presidents.  His southern twang and soulful sounds sold millions of albums and those swangin...

Tupac Shakur

May 07, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 59.2 MB

We’ve had many musicians depart this world far too soon, leaving us wondering what could have been. Today’s show subject, Tupac Shakur, may just be near the top of that list.  From poverty to Poetic Justice, to 2Pacalypse, Shakur showed the world his many talents in the short time he had with us.  But, there seemed to be many different sides of ‘Pac, many we knew about, some perhaps not. Could you imagine a world where Tupac was a Broadway star and not living that thug life?  Maybe one where...

Lindsay Lohan

April 23, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 45.5 MB

Everyone loves a good comeback story, and the subject of this episode is queen of second chances.  Lindsay Lohan went from childhood star to tabloid headline during her late teens.  She went on a spree of run-ins with the law and stints in rehab that put the likes of Robert Downey Jr. and Brittany Spears to shame.  But was this all just a string of bad decisions or was there more to the story than what we saw on TMZ and on the magazines in line at the grocery store? We’ll dive into all this ...

GG Allin

April 09, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 52.5 MB

We’ve covered a wide variety of subjects in our courtroom, and while GG Allin may not be a household name, he may be the nastiest person we’ve ever discussed.  It’s not the “nasty women” nasty, it’s the poop on the stage, spit on your fans kind of nasty. While his music was mostly forgettable, his cult-like legacy in the punk rock world continues to live on.  Throw on the jockstrap that looks best in public and check out the GG Allin episode of AHC Podcast!     Intro Music Credits: Beat ...

Jerry Springer

March 26, 2023 04:00 - 1 hour - 47.5 MB

Throughout history, pioneers have blazed trails for new ways of life.  Lewis, Clark, and Sacajawea headed out west, Thomas Edison lit up our lives, and Rosa Parks showed everyone that it doesn’t matter where you sit on the bus.  Today’s show subject is one of the pioneers of the entertainment world and changed the template of TV forever, Jerry Springer.  Love him or hate him, Jerry Springer was must see TV back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s.  Kids rushed home from school to tune in to th...

Rupert Murdoch

March 12, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour - 56.6 MB

We’re all familiar with the names and faces of the anchors on our local news stations. They provide us with the top stories in the area, the weather, sports, and all the while, intentionally staying (mostly) politically neutral.  Then, there are the cable news stations.  We’re all familiar with their anchor’s names and faces as well, but their agendas are clearly catered to one side of the aisle or the other.  But who is it running the show and determining the message behind the scenes?  How...

Conor McGregor

February 26, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Have you ever been around someone that just makes you nervous the whole time?  You never know what they are going to do, what they may say, or what kind of trouble YOU may get in just by being around them.  From the image he’s created over the years, Conor McGregor definitely seems like someone you would want to be on your toes around.  He’s knockout out many of people, legally, in the octagon, becoming one of UFC’s most celebrated champions.  But he has a tendency to not keep his hands to h...

Tony Robbins

February 12, 2023 04:01 - 1 hour - 62.6 MB

When life gets tough, some people find themselves reaching out to others for help. In many cases, this is a friend or family member or mentor. But some will reach out to complete strangers who offer advice on how to overcome adversity, improve themselves, or simply cope. Call them whatever you want-- life coach, guru, motivational speaker-- they are not a new phenomenon. In this episode, we dive into the man who is arguably the biggest to ever fill a conference center-- Tony Robbins. Is he a...

Miley Cyrus

January 29, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour - 50 MB

We’ve touched on a number of celebrities that were child stars on our show, but arguably none of those have risen to the levels of adult superstardom of today’s show subject.  Miley Cyrus went from pre-teen royalty as Hannah Montana, to coming out swinging like a wrecking ball as a young adult.  She’s continued to produce hit album after hit album, all while keeping her name in the news for the craziest of reasons.  But is the Miley we see on TMZ the true depiction of the person?  How does o...

Dolly Parton

January 15, 2023 05:00 - 1 hour - 52.3 MB

“There’s nothing more American than baseball and apple pie”… if you throw in today’s show subject, you may just have the ultimate American trio.  Dolly Parton has been in the music industry for over 50 years and has sold millions and millions of albums.  She’s worked with some of the biggest names in entertainment and has made a resurgence over the past 10 years or so (probably doesn’t hurt to be Miley Cyrus’ godmother either).  Usually show subjects will have some dirt on them or at least s...

Pete Davidson

January 01, 2023 04:00 - 55 minutes - 41.9 MB

Some guys have all the luck. Their careers appear to work effortlessly. Money seemingly falls into their lap. And they have no issue in the love department. This could easily describe the life of our latest show topic—Pete Davidson. But beyond the SNL appearances, stand-up specials, and even greater fame for appearing to have wooed every available Hollywood starlet in the past few years, is there more to the story of this unique-looking fella? Is it as happy and carefree as one might imagin...

Jordan Peterson

December 18, 2022 05:00 - 1 hour - 65.2 MB

The transformation of individual people is an amazing thing.  As we all grow older and wiser, the lessons we learn and apply in our everyday lives make things easier and less stressful.  Well, this goes for most of us at least.  You still see the 50-year old guy in the mall, rocking an Affliction shirt, spiked hair, jeans with a design on the back pocket, and a pair of Oakley's on the forehead.  The subject of today’s show, Jordan Peterson, didn’t take the Benjamin Button approach to dressin...

Joe Rogan

December 04, 2022 05:00 - 1 hour - 75.6 MB

We’ve all heard the phrase “jack of all trades, master of none”.  Unfortunately, most of us seem to fall into this category and is the reason WE aren’t the subject of podcasts people listen to.  But we all may know someone that does seem to be quite good at several things.  It’s quite annoying actually, but the respect is there.  The subject of today’s show definitely seems to fit into that latter category.  Joe Rogan has been the face of multiple successful enterprises, stretching over mult...

The Pilgrims - Thanksgiving Reboot!

November 20, 2022 05:00 - 55 minutes - 41.4 MB

The Pilgrims and the Indians laid the groundwork for one of America’s favorite holidays, Thanksgiving.  Plymouth Rock, the Mayflower, weird hats with buckles, and of course, the big feast, painted a picture of harmony and unity between the new settlers and the natives.  But what was this scene really like?  Was the New World the first choice for the Pilgrims?  Did the Pilgrims live up to their end of the bargain to the people that financially backed their voyage?  Fill that paper plate full ...

John Wayne

November 06, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 48 MB

There aren’t many things more American than baseball, apple pie, and John Wayne.  Wayne lived in a time where movie stars were revered, almost as mythical figures, and due to lack of social media, 24/7 coverage, and the good ‘ole boy system.  He dodged the cancel culture by multiple decades, but as the internet has shown, you can’t hide forever.  What could “The Duke” have done to bring him to our courtroom?  Was he a real American hero, or was there a lot more to his war-time story?  We’ll ...

OJ Simpson

October 23, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 67.9 MB

It’s a story told countless times – star athlete has a great career, wins over the hearts of countless fans with incredible performances, and when it’s time to hang it up, they ride off into the sunset.  Until they pop up in the news a few years later for something like a DUI arrest, or a good ‘ole fashioned assault charge.  You see the mugshot and cringe, only remembering the glory days and what it had become.  The show subject of this episode not only told that tale, but has taken that sto...

Hilaria Baldwin

October 09, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 55.1 MB

We’ve covered multiple adult liars over the years in our courtroom, but this show’s subject just may take the cake.  It’s one thing to tell a little white lie that hurts no one, but to completely create a new personality for yourself, accent and all, is just weird.  Hilaria Baldwin apparently has done just that, and it appears as though she’s going to pull it off.   What would you do if your best friend just started talking with an accent one day?  Besides wondering if they smell burnt hair ...

Andrew Tate

September 25, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 53.6 MB

Everyone’s life leads itself down a different path.  If we look back at some of the decisions we’ve made along the way, it seems as though we all play our own game of Choose Your Own Adventure.  The subject of today’s show had so many different options after a successful career, the possibilities seemed endless.  While the route taken may have led to fortune and fame, Andrew Tate’s stint as America’s Bad Boy may be coming to an end sooner than he had anticipated.  How did this guy become the...

Andrew Jackson

September 11, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 59.8 MB

It’s 2022, and as a society we are in full swing to “cancel” many historical figures.  There is a lot of merit to most, some could be viewed as questionable, but it hasn’t been a good run lately for some of the folks we read about in our history books.  This episode’s subject is no different, the slave-owning, face of the twenty himself, Andrew Jackson.  Depending on which side of the aisle you sat on, you either held him in high regard, or wanted to see him held high and dropped on his head...

Pablo Escobar

August 28, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 46.8 MB

Paul Revere and the Ride, Henry Ford and the assembly line, Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK, Monica Lewinsky and cigars…. All famous names in history and the automatic associations we have with them when we bring up their name in thought or conversation.  Now the subject or today’s show, Pablo Escobar, whoop, yep, there it is – cocaine, is definitely another one of those names.  Pablo came from nothing in the streets of Medellin, to become the head of one of the largest drug cartels in the world. ...

Rudy Giuliani

August 14, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 71.7 MB

America is a beautiful place of second chances and limitless opportunity.  It’s also a place that will point and laugh as you publicly fall from grace and will talk trash about you the whole way down.  That brings us to the subject of today’s show, Rudy Giuliani.  Giuliani started at the bottom and worked his way to some of the most prestigious offices within the legal system of New York City, eventually becoming mayor.  Rudy was the darling of New York, people admired his work and it seemed...

Fred Durst

July 31, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 68.4 MB

At one point or another, everyone has an encounter with a “cool guy”.  You know who I’m talking about – over the top laughter, outlandish clothing, the center of attention always… yeah, that guy.  Fred Durst was the epitome of the cool guy in the late 90’s and early 2000’s.  He and his band, Limp Bizkit, were the hottest thing in music for about a 4-year stretch, until the sheen seemed to wear off.  In fairly short order, Durst began to be the butt of jokes, Limp Bizkit went on hiatus, and i...

Shia LaBeouf

July 17, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 50.6 MB

Being a star in Hollywood, if you like to go out and have a good time, there is no doubt you’ll always have eyes on you.  The media and fan base will forgive most drunken, stupid behavior, such as yelling at people in a Walgreens on your birthday, or smoking inside and raising general hell at a show at Studio 54.  But, when the accusations become more serious and of the physical nature, it can sometimes spell the beginning of the end for some careers.  Shia LaBeouf has had many starring role...

Hulk Hogan

July 03, 2022 04:00 - 1 hour - 58 MB

The 80’s and 90’s were some wild times in the professional wrestling world, and let me tell you something brother, the subject of today’s show was right in the middle of it.  Hulk Hogan was the face of the WWE during it’s meteoric rise and has continued to stay in the spotlight 30 years later.  With that one of a kind haircut, that super cool mustache, and that permanently tanned, leather skin, the Hulkster’s image and personality are easy to like, but there have been some stories that have ...

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