Kelley Oswin - Coach Extraordinaire on Ah-Ha Moments for Success with Anita Heidema


Kelley Oswin, completed her Bachelor of Social Work in 1997.  With a passion for counseling and teaching individuals and groups, Kelley has worked with thousands over her 20-year career. A natural leader, Kelley moved into program management and pioneered programming for young mothers with child welfare involvement. While in her position as Program Manager Kelley provided both clinical and administrative supervision of counselors and support staff. Kelley excelled in team building while building mission and culture within teams and leadership.  It was at this time that she also began training with groups such as Health Services and community agencies. 


In 2012, Kelley's  continued thirst for knowledge lead her to the tools of Neurolinguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy™, Creating Your Future Processes™, Hypnosis and The Quantum Change Process™.    This created an opportunity to work with individuals and groups from a new, deeper understanding of the human psyche.    Counselling, coaching and consulting with groups now includes training on how our unconscious programming overrides our conscious mind in our personal and professional lives.  This shows up in our career, business, relationships, and in our own mental wellbeing.


You can find Kelley now on Rogers Barrie TV with the Positive Panel as well The Pursuit of Positivity and Gratitude Women's Conferences.  Kelley also trains group seminars for organizations, business and community groups throughout the GTA.



When we have a better understanding of ourselves and others we can create the opportunity to BE who we want to be.  When something isn't working for us whether it be in career, relationships, or our emotional health and we continue to find ourselves cycling over and over, it is time to access the people and resources who can show us how to do it differently.  When we are willing to let go of everything that holds us back we become who we were always meant to be.  When people feel empowered they bring that energy to their relationships and to their workplace.  It all starts with US.



I am many things to many people but mostly a Mindset Coach and Business Strategist to entrepreneurs who want to live powerful, passionate, rich free life.

It all starts with knowing where you are with our “Rich Life and Business” download here

I am also a speaker, TV Host, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Author to Amazon best-seller Vitality Knocks, creator of Mind Your Business ClassMind School & Ah-ha! Business Academy for entrepreneurs, 21-Day Journey to Success and various meditations and other programs for business and leadership success. As Hypnotherapist and Travel creator of “Getaway to Find Your Way”, I create programs and destination getaways and online programs that build your mindset and strategies for business and leadership success.

I have a personal passion for promoting awareness for Lewy Body Dementia to as many people as possible as early diagnosis is extremely important. I have created a foundation “The Fenna Heidema Lewy Body Foundation” in my mother’s name.

I love sharing and learning about cooking, travel, books, personal mind control, business strategies, health with special attention to brain health, our aging population and memory and brain power issues.

My Motto is “Instill an internal legacy to live life fully and to your true potential. Learn, experience and love”. I live this in my life and business every day and love helping others.

I created tools and programs to create Ah-ha! moments for entrepreneurs and their business that produce the riches and freedom they desire. I was a 27-year professional, corporate management advocate that had the bottom pulled out from under me. With this ah-ha moment, I knew what I was made of. My mindset and strategies created the business I am leading and the financial freedom and time I desired. I am never looking back. I share all the tools I have in all my programs so you can have all you desire as well.

I bring true joy and passion to everything I do. I love seeing my amazing entrepreneurs succeed.

You are what you think and do. Make it happen today.

To Your Success, Happiness & Ah-Ha Moments,
