Has the key to improved well-being for all finally been discovered?

In this episode, Cathi Lamberti shares how she developed SmartFit, an innovative fitness system that science shows can significantly boost both physical and cognitive health. But getting it made available worldwide has faced major obstacles. Tune in to hear Cathi's inspiring story of overcoming challenges to create this groundbreaking platform and her mission to make it accessible to people of all abilities.

University studies found Smartfit can delay the onset of devastating conditions like Parkinson's and dementia while improving strength, balance and reaction time. Discover how this revolutionary approach keeps individuals motivated as their progress is tracked over time.

Learn about partnerships that aim to establish SmartFit as the new standard for maintaining well-being across gyms, schools, medical facilities and more. Gain insights into how the program empowers organizations to enhance care, therapy and training. In this episode you will discover how widespread adoption could transform health and wellness throughout the world.

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Cathi Lambert Links:

Beverley Glazer Links:
Website: https://reinventimpossible.com
Schedule a call: https://calendly.com/reinventimpossible/15min?month=2023-05
Change your life from 'Fine' to FANTASTIC https://reinventimpossible1.lpages.co/life-perspective-inventory/
Social links: Social Links: FB: https://www.facebook.com/beverley.glazer
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beverleyglazer/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beverleyglazer_reinvention/

Facebook group: Women Over 50 Rock https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenover50rock