Welcome to a transformative episode of "Aging with Purpose and Passion," where we dive deep with Kimberly Jurgen, an introvert empowerment coach and professional actor with a unique perspective on thriving in extroverted environments. In this episode, Kimberly shares her personal journey from recognizing her introversion and battling dyslexia, to mastering the art of acting and coaching other introverted women to embrace their true selves.Discover actionable strategies that Kimberly has refined through her "Elegant Curiosity" coaching system, designed to empower introverts to break free from limiting behaviors. Learn how embracing introversion can unlock professional success and personal fulfillment. Kimberly’s insights into overcoming dyslexia highlight the unexpected paths to empowerment that can redefine personal weaknesses as strengths.Key takeaways from this episode include:
Practical advice on using introversion as a superpower in personal and professional realms.Innovative techniques from acting and improvisation that help introverts engage confidently with the world.The benefits of a mindset rooted in "elegant curiosity" for stepping out of comfort zones and thriving in dynamic environments.
Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how introspective qualities can lead to success and why introverts possess unique advantages that are often overlooked. Whether you're an introvert looking to boost your confidence or simply interested in personal growth, this episode offers valuable insights into transforming perceived limitations into powerful assets.

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Kimberly Jergen:
[email protected]

Beverley Glazer:

https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenover50rock https://www.instagram.com/beverleyglazer_reinvention/
Schedule a free chat https://calendly.com/reinventimpossible/15min

The Reinvention Readiness Quiz: Are You Prepared to Transform Your Life? 