Special Education, no matter where you live, can feel like you are running through a gauntlet. Caring for a child with a disability can present with many challenges, and one of them is navigating their education. It may feel isolating, but it doesn't have to be, especially if you are educated on how the system works and what to realistically expect. 

During this thirty-seven minute interview, Maria McGinley, an attorney practicing in New York City, candidly talks about the good, the bad and the ugly of special education and its sometimes companion litigation. We discuss Early Intervention, IEP meetings, transition planning and a lot more. 

She is a former special education teacher, who took her classroom experiences and transformed them into a rewarding legal career advocating for students and their families, who are seeking educational justice for a child. 

What she talks about is as applicable in New York, as it is in any major metropolitan city or a small town.  Some struggles are universal, no matter where you live. 

If you are a parent or a family member of a child with a disability, listening to this episode is time well spent and you will absolutely come away knowing at least one thing: you are never alone. 

To learn more about Maria McGinley, Esq., you can go to:


To learn more about the podcast, please go to https://www.agingwiselypodcast.com