Welcome to another episode of Agile and Me, a Physical Therapy Leadership Podcast series. In this episode, we dive into the world of patient experiences with our special guest, Joanna Bailey. Joanna, who has been a recurrent patient of physical therapy, brings a unique perspective to the table.

What sets Joanna apart is her extensive background in healthcare, spanning three decades. As a minister and hospital chaplain, she's been a vital part of interdisciplinary discussions with rehabilitation teams, both in pediatric and adult care settings. With a keen eye for chart notes and a deep understanding of what physical therapists look for in their assessments, Joanna offers invaluable insights.

Tune in as Joanna shares her personal journey as a patient, highlighting her positive experiences at a clinic. Discover the key factors that made her journey exceptional and what clinic directors can learn from her firsthand encounter.

Joanna provides a little bit of backgroundRegistration and onboarding10 minutes in, The initial visit – The evaluationFollow up visitsDischarge experienceWhat things went well?How could the experience have been improved?

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