Listen to insights about what voice means for your company in this conversation I held with Kane Simms, VUX World. He and I have a fun conversation about preparing for voice and designing for the voice platform with the customer in mind. This is Part 1 of a 2-part interview for Agile Digital Business.

Kane is not only the co-host of VUX World, but also co-founder of a consultancy and voice design studio.

0:00 Welcome and introduction of the episode by host, Vickie Maris

:30 Intro music; request that you subscribe to the show so that you don't miss Part 2.

:56 Scott Greeson provides intro; more music

1:07 Introduction of guest, Kane Simms, co-founder of VUX World; and reflection on theme that occurs in the conversation of "meeting customer needs."

2:07 Tweetable: "It is so important to start first with the customer." - Vickie Maris #agiledigitalbiz #VOC

3:04 Welcome of guest Kane Simms who has a voice design consultancy and design studio. His co-founder is Dustin Coates.

3:59 Kane responds to the podcast host; explanation of quiet voice because of baby sleeping downstairs

4:57 Kane Simms provides background of how he got started in his work in the voice platform; experience as a musician and study of marketing at

5:48 Tweetable: "Marketing is meeting and anticipating customer needs profitably." - Definition Kane Simms recalls from his time at university.

6:41 Audio production, writing and user experience design were skills that Kane brought together in the hosting of his podcast, VUX World.

7:27 Established a design and development studio that creates voice experiences for agencies and brands.

7:40 Vickie talks about why she shifted the focus of her podcast, Agile Digital Business, to the voice platform.

8:05 Kane and Vickie swap stories about experiences as musicians. Hip hop, rap, meets American singer/songwriter.

11:41 Vickie shares the example of how she and Scott Greeson utilize a production company for the digital distribution of music they create. 

12:20 Discussion about having or creating an Amazon Alexa Skill for the music (life as a music artist) or for the podcast.

14:20 Mention of the website,

16:41 Mid-roll request that you subscribe to the podcast, Agile Digital Business. Mention of how to reach out via social channels: https://instagram/vickiemaris

18:31 Kane discusses how his podcast led to the design consultancy. His searches about voice eventually led him to This Week in Voice podcast and Voicebot podcast in the USA. A few months later, he was asked to give talks. By the end of the first year, he was giving workshops with his co-founder. He's now working on a variety of projects through the consultancy.

21:25 Thank you to Kane for being a guest on the show.

21:56 Invitation to share your questions or comments about this episode via the social media channels and to subscribe to VUX World podcast.

22:40 Closing. Let's go out and "Teach. Inspire. Connect!"

Please listen to Part 2 of this episode for the rest of the story! - vjm


#voicefirst #agiledigitalbiz #teachinspireconnect

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