Here are the show notes and time codes for Episode 17 about my experience in switching from the http to the https secure domain for my website. This is another step in preparing the business for voice search.


:00 Introduction of Episode 17 of Agile Digital Business which covers status of audiobook recording, to changing your web domain from http to https, to an example of how podcasts and other uses of voice serve as evergreen content in brand building. You'll also hear news in voice.

:44 Music introduction

:58 How narrating of my second audiobook has led to my study of and enthusiasm about the voice platform.

1:23 Welcome in to Episode 17.

1:33 Update on narration of audiobook, Changing Life After a Life-changing Event: 30 Journal Prompts and Stories to Help After a Loss.

1:45 Taking steps to get website updated and set up to better accommodate responses to customers using voice search.

2:13 Time in the studio narrating the audiobook version of, "Changing Life After a Life Changing Event: 30 Journal Prompts and Stories to Help After a Loss."

2:45 Fun interlude in the show when a woodpecker started pecking on the side of the farmhouse.

3:13 Sequence chosen for producing the three formats of the new book, audiobook, digital and paperback or print.

4:28 News: Project Voice Conference is coming in January 2020 in Chattenooga, Tennessee.

4:59 Visit the website or search on the hashtag, #projectvoice.

5:18 Chat about downloading of the new iOS version and a change to the Apple Podcasts app.

6:06 How I'm finding other podcasts on the subject of voice, voice first and voice search marketing.

6:31 Recommendation of the podcast, Today in iOS, by Rob Walch.

6:51 Mention of hearing 

6:57 Rob and Elside Escobar are co-hosts of The Feed, which is the podcast by Libsyn.

7:08 Libsyn is the service I use for hosting both of my podcasts.

7:15 Thoughts about how our recorded voice can serve as evergreen content for our brand.

7:35 Example provided of the continued downloads by second podcast is getting even without having been updated in over two years.

8:03 Considering changing the focus of Heartsong Fit over to life on our llama ranch and the training of my Connemara pony. When I first started it, the show was about conversation for the stresssed and stretched-too-thin listener. It aligned with my journey to reduce stress, eat healthier and to get fit. 

8:45 Statistics about the older podcast, Heartsong Fit, that is currently not being promoted or updated.

9:40 My experience in switching my web domain from the http to the https secure domain.

10:11 A mention of the previous episode in which I talked about making sure your website is on the https domain in Episode 11, Four Website Tips to Get Ready for Voice Search.

10:48 Marketer Neil Patel has mentioned that the https domain seems to be looked upon favorably by the search engines, and can also give your customers confidence about transacting on your site. You can learn more from Neil Patel and Eric Siu in their podcast, Marketing School,

11:21 Quote shared from a Google blog about the default settings for a blog to be unmarked is when it's a secure blog (https). If a blog is not secure, it will show a red marking and language that alerts the user of the status of not being secure.

12:08 How to change from http to the https domain.

12:50 Pointing of my additional domain for the podcast, over to

13:27 How you can share your question or comment about these topics by leaving a voicemail for me using the SpeakPipe widget on the Contact form on my website.

14:21 Bluehost is the hosting service used for I give a shoutout of thanks to Rey in Tech Support at Bluehost for helping me make the changes to my site.

I'm affiliate for Bluehost. If you're interested in using the service for your site, I would be grateful if you follow this link to visit their site:  

14:40 Show notes with the time codes go live here in my Libsyn blog as soon as I publish an episode in Libsyn.

15:16 Information on how to join my community of listeners in Patreon when you support the show. Listeners who support the show at the monthly level of $10 and up will get access to my exclusive Q and A audio,

16:34 Another shoutout to Rey in Tech Support at Bluehost and to Greg at SiteLock for the information about service levels.

17:20 Summary of switching from http to https for my website.

As we prepare our businesses for our customers' uses of voice and their search for products and services, how are you coming along in getting your website ready? 

You can leave me a voicemail at or send me an email at agiledigitalbusiness dot com.

Let's go out and teach! Inspire! And, connect!


