This is a bonus episode featuring details about the opportunity to download 14 Kindle books in the self-help category between now and April 30, 2020 (midnight PST) for .99 each.

Job Loss and the Cutback Blues: Journey of Grief, Uncertainty and Recovery After Being Let Go is one of the 14 titles available at the .99 cent price.

To access the .99 cent offer, see the URL in my social media posts (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram) from April 29-30, 2020. Use the #teachinspireconnect hashtag on search to scroll quickly to a post containing the details.

Other books in this promotional offer include:

Fear Unravelled

Parents Take Heart

I Didn't Part My Lips

Essential Oils Have Super Powers

Travel to Live

Leap Afraid;

Wild Wise Women

Functioning Hot Mess


When Food is Your Drug

Heart For Women

Crush Your Goals and Single Truth