Originally, Peter Bachmann wanted to be a large animal veterinarian but, within just a week on campus, he realized that wasn’t where he wanted his career to go! But he always knew he wanted to be involved in agriculture and by never letting what he thought was his dream get in the way of his destination, he has become a monumental force for agriculture in Washington, D.C.. 

Taking a variety of internships that ranged from dairy science to sow farms, Peter took a different direction when he accepted an internship with CropLife America, as Barb Glenn’s intern. In an internship whiplash, he moved from large animal agriculture to the regulatory pesticide industry and he was hooked. 

After graduation, he found a job with the National Association of Conservation Districts, and knew that it was his first big step into agriculture in Washington, D.C., by way of conservation. Once he had his feet under him in that role, he took a position at the USA Rice Federation as the Manager of Government Affairs. 

Then President Trump won the election in 2016 and, despite being politically unattached, he took an opportunity as a policy advisor with the USDA. After a year that changed again and he became the Senior Advisor to the secretary, a critical part of the infrastructure, Peter was relied on and a trusted advisor with his insights into “the swamp,” or the navigation of the Hill and Congress. 

After remaining in that position for a number of years, USA Rice reached out to see if he would be interested in the Vice President of International Trade Policy. At that point in his career, he was at a position in the USDA that didn’t have much room left for growth and was feeling burnt out. USA Rice provided an opportunity to jump back “into the weeds” and have long term opportunities. 

Peter stresses that one of the most important parts about working in Washington, D.C., is that you have to network, build relationships and then nurture those relationships. Washington, D.C., specifically the ag sector, is very small and you never know when those relationships will come in handy. Everyone in agriculture knows someone, whether its from 4-H, FFA, AGR fraternity, AGA, or any other state or local organization. 

Building that network of friends, you start to meet the older generations in their industries as well through events, conferences, and, even, weddings. Peter says to “be patient, make friends, and say yes to all opportunities. Even if you want to go home and relax … you have to say yes initially to get out and meet those folks.” 

At the end of the day, it’s about building goodwill. A part of that is Peter’s recommendation to take advice from everyone - albeit with a grain of rice! Don’t be afraid to show up in person and fight for your spot in Washington, D.C., if that is truly what you want to do! 

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