Trista Sue shares fundamental principles while answering the rest of the business questions that were submitted. These questions are:    1. If I have several business ideas inline with my gifts and talents and they are all in demand, how do I choose which one to start, or to start first?   2. What systems can we use to grow our business without compromising the principles of the kingdom?    3. How can so many people (both in the Kingdom and in the world) achieve such great business results without knowing or focused on specific purpose nor vision, only ambition?    4. How do I maintain financial separation between my business and my personal life (commingling), if the circumstances of my personal life always seems to erode my personal finances?    5. What is the best model or business plan template to use, does it depend on the type of business I am doing?    6. Where can I find examples of bylaws for non-profit corporations?  There are plenty of examples for "profit" but having difficulty finding for non-profit.    7. What do you think of direct selling? I got into this company called NEOLIFECLUB, my vision was to see people buy products on my website (given by neolife) instead of training them to recruit others, because as a Christian that seems like using/manipulating people. I have 23 people who have bought products in the past 3 years and the income is joke. I have done my research and most people say the only way to make it in this kind of business is by recruiting people. I take the vitamins just incase I don’t get to eat the right foods. As a kingdom leader what do you think I should do?    8. What does it mean to plant seeds? Someone said it this way "you take what you have left-money- and give it away or minister to the poor or give it to church- then the idea that you had about a business/product will open opportunities for you.”Is that how planting operates? Or, is it like this: you start your idea of business and as you progress, other ideas come and start implementing them and thats how it grows? How do you know if the idea is going to work? When is the planting done? In the mind as an idea? Or, in the giving of money? If money is given in exchange for services then if we give to God, isn’t that considered seed, and then doors open and then the seed begins to grow?! I would like a deeper understanding of how it works.    9. Do you always need a mentor for a business, and how do you find one? How can you find mentors that are in your area of the business you are in?    10. If you create art and want to collaborate with a store, how do you protect your art? Do you copyright it first?    11. If you see a product in the store and you think you can use it differently or turn it into something else, do you contact the company and give them the idea? Is having a lawyer with me in meetings best in order to protect the idea? Or, I find a manufacturer and do it myself? How do I find a manufacturer without telling everyone the meat of the idea?    12. If I have an idea for a product and want to bring to market but I need manufacturing, how do I go about it?    13. I also have app ideas- how can I go about finding someone who is trust worthy that will not steal my idea?    14. If I am a creator - does that mean that what my mind sees, a picture/ idea/ business, is what the God inside of me sees? Is that considered a seed? Can I trust my imagination then/ the idea? But, if I have the seed how do I find the ones to help me bring it to pass- make it grow?   Trista Sue was mentored by the late Dr. Myles Munroe, and since his passing has developed a self-paced mentorship e-course called The School of Influence for Agents of Change.   Mentorship is vital and it is important to continue to influence and build leaders and agents of change around the world. You can read more about The School of Influence for Agents of Change and register at   ONLINE MENTORSHIP:   WEBSITE:   TWITTER:   FACEBOOK PAGE:   OFFICE CONTACT: [email protected]   239-465-0409

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