“You have to get clear on what matters to you and then setting and achieving that goal will be relatively easy because now you have a map/gameplan.” - Jasmine Krnjetin 

At the end of another hectic year, Jasmine and Alan are here to help you gain some clarity on the year that was and set your intentions for the year that will be. In this wide ranging discussion, our hosts discuss the value of goal setting and establishing productive habits/routines to improve seven key areas of life. 

Whether you’ve just finished your first year in the industry, are a seasoned pro, or somewhere in between, this episode will provide you with the framework for identifying what is working and needs working on in your business and your life.

Resources Mentioned: 

-Grant Cardone - The 10X Rule: https://grantcardone.com/ 

-Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastion Junger: http://www.sebastianjunger.com/tribe-by-sebastian-junger

Jasmine & Alan's contact info:

-Jasmine: https://www.instagram.com/jasmineteam_mortgage/

-Alan: https://www.instagram.com/thehouseofac/

Agent Upgrade:

-Website: https://agentupgrade.libsyn.com/


-YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqsg1xvT7t9o9BYoLx3-0yw