If you’re like most agents I talk with they are overwhelmed by knowing what to say and when to say it. They feel they need to have the right script for every moment. Now don’t get me wrong, having a script is great, but when it burdens you to remember it so much that you won’t step out because you’re afraid you’ll mess it up. Then at that point, the script complicates things too much and begins to work against you. And that’s when I feel we over complicate things. Not only do I feel we do that with scripts, but I feel we do that with a lot of other things in this business. We’re going to unpack those today. 


Resources and Links mentioned in this episode I’ve just launched a free resource called Secrets to Winning Listing Appointments, and it’s available now on my website: agentrisecoaching.com/listingsecrets Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at www.Facebook.com/groups/agentrise To learn more about coaching, go to www.agentrisecoaching.com

And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social!

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